
I did the circuit which used the Servo and potentiometer. I did not have any problems with making this circuit as I made two other circuits (the first two videos attached) before that use the Servo so i had gotten used to it. I also created a type of “housing” for it. I thought the servo could be used for a board game, as an arrow. I made a type of spinner out of the circuit that could be used in a game where the turns are randomised.

Connecting Arduino with Processing

For this week I managed to do two of the circuits shown in the lecture. I only managed to do the ones that used Processing , as my laptop did not allow installing the p5 Serial Control application and I did not manage to get the one with Unity working.

I found these two circuits really interesting to make, because they show us in how many different ways Arduino can be used. I also did not encounter any problems making them.

In the first one, the led turns on when you press the grey box in the processing sketch.

In the second one, the values on the screen in the Processing application change when you use the potentiometer.