Circuit Bending

I did not manage to do anything interesting with my toys. I tried using this small piano (picture 1) but I could not open the case as the screws were glued.

picture 1

I also had this small phone that played songs whenever a button was pressed. I managed to open its case but I could not change the sounds in any way. I attached a video of me trying to change the sound with alligator clips and needles.

It was still a really interesting task, as I now have a better idea on how these toys function. It also gave me an idea on how to use the phone case for one of my own circuits (using piezo buzzers).

Week 5

I did one of the soft circuits shown in the lecture. I used felt, a 3V battery, a led and copper tape. One of the problems I had with this circuit was that at first I united all of the pieces of the copper tape so the led did not light up. This circuit was really interesting to make as it was quite different from the other ones we did, that use an Arduino.

I thought this circuit could be used as a toy, so when the “bus” is near the “bus station” it announces the person waiting by turning the light on.