Week 4 – Response to student question

“What are your thoughts about how to connect what you learn in different units? Write some paragraphs about what you think, there is no right or wrong answer!” 

I think the units are well connected to each other as we can use the information that we were taught in one of the units to help us with another. The fact that we started learning Python in the first term has made me understand much better how to write code for Arduino. Also, for this weeks task we used processing, coding language that we just started learning in another unit. I think the more we advance in these units, the easier it gets to connect the different topics that we learn.

Week 4

I also made a circuit using an infra red. This circuit was more challenging to make, as my IR was getting hot so I had to move it from its initial position. I also had some problems at first with finding the case value of my keypad buttons from the remote. For the circuit case I used a Spongebob toy on which i glued some cardboard pieces.

Week 4

I made the circuit “Arduino to Processing” for this weeks task. I found it really interesting to make, as we started learning Processing for another unit. It was really nice to see how well the two softwares (arduino and processing) can be used together. From making this circuit I also learnt how to use and LDR and how it works.

Tilt Sensor Circuit

For this circuit I used two 10k Ohm resistors, a led and jumpwires. The problem I encountered with this circuit was that I did not manage to place the tilt sensor right at first. To solve this problem I looked up pictures of Arduino circuits that had a tilt sensor to see how I should place it. From this circuit I learned how to use tilt sensors and it made me think how I could use this type of sensor to create something.

Light Dice

To create this circuit I used six 250 Ohms resistors, one 1k Ohm resistor, 6 leds, jump wires and a pushbutton. I did not encounter any problems with this circuit, I found it pretty easy to make and write the code for it. From this circuit I learned how to write a program in Arduino to get a random number.

Lie Detector

I made a “lie” detector circuit. In order to create it i used 3 leds and 3 resistors (and wires). One of the problems I encountered was that I did not place the leds correctly at first so the circuit did not work. I then realised that and changed the way I placed them. From making this circuit I learnt that I have to be patient and pay attention to every detail (such as how to put the leds in the breadbord in the correct way).

Task 2

For this task i created a case for my arduino. I used a simple of circuit that had 4 leds to create this. I did the case out of cardboard and paper. I painted the stars and the moon on the paper and cut some holes out so the leds can be seen. I also coded the leds so they would not light up all at once.

This is the code.